28 June 2006


The number of adresses already unavailable on an email service is kind of an indicator of how many people already use it. Since I tried a lot of times to open a new GMail account (each time repeating my password and humanity-check), I want to share all the choices I tried which were already taken. Here we go (all at googlemail.com which I omit so those poor guys don't get spammend any more than they are already):
(At this point I noticed the "check availability" button which spared me reentering the password and such. But let's continue.)
(And at this point, I finally found my new googlemail address. I won't make it public to see whether that has an influence over the amount of spam I am receiving. So you can try guessing my address! Just write a mail to it, if you are right, I'll congratulate your intelligence, ha, ha...)

Ones I tried, were available, but I didn't want:

Now I only have to fill out the rest of the form...

20 June 2006

test 1 2 3

Dear Blogger.com,
if you are a good blogging website I will spent a lot of my future time with you.
Otherwise I will look for another weblog provider.

But now I have to work a little bit.

I'll came back soon to write my first real entry.

see you soon!

PS: I had already written some blog messages before I had this blog. I have just uploaded them and they appear as being older than the first message.

7 June 2006

I love to understand things... even bureaucratic German parcel prices

Last time I paid EUR 2,20 to ship a book I sold on Amazon.

Today I learned that this was the "Maxibrief" Tarif. And that for the same size and weight, one can use the "Maxibrief Büchersendung" for only EUR 1,40!
And here are the measures:

The only trick is to write BUECHERSENDUNG above the address and to use an "open packaging" which means: it can be opened and closed without damage. Here's how to make that:

Fortunately, there's the fine German invention of Musterklammer! (Well, probably other countries have that too, but the word is so special, it's not in the dictionary.)

Now, it's even more comfortable to reuse my Amazon packagings and the people buying books from me get a reusable packaging for free. (I only need to buy a box of Musterklammers, hehe.)